
Established in 2007

Seattle siding contractor. Established in 2007. 

Breeze Siding was created right at the start of the great recession. It was difficult, but because of our great quality and care for our customers, we persevered. We take pride in our hard work and ability to work through any challenge that comes our way. 



At Breeze Siding, your success is what propels us to the next project. We understand that putting in the effort into your project, no matter how big or small, is the key that drives us forward. 


Our goals for 2021 is to make a greater impact in our community. 


follow us on social media for current projects and more!

Benefits of Replacing Your Siding on Your Home

Replacing the siding on a residential home offers several significant benefits:

  1. Enhanced Curb Appeal: New siding can dramatically improve the overall appearance of your home. It refreshes the exterior, giving it a clean and updated look. This enhanced curb appeal not only increases your pride of ownership but also boosts the value of your property.

  2. Increased Energy Efficiency: Outdated or damaged siding can contribute to energy loss. By replacing it, you can improve insulation, reduce air leakage, and enhance energy efficiency. This helps maintain a comfortable temperature indoors and lowers heating and cooling costs.

  3. Improved Protection: Siding acts as a protective barrier against the elements. Over time, old siding can become susceptible to moisture, pests, and rot. New siding provides better protection against water infiltration, prevents damage from insects, and resists mold and mildew growth, ensuring a healthier living environment. Experienced residential siding contractors will be able to assist with this.

  4. Reduced Maintenance: Aging siding often requires frequent repairs and upkeep. By installing new siding, you can minimize maintenance efforts and expenses. Modern siding materials are designed to be durable, low-maintenance, and resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling, saving you time and money in the long run.

  5. Increased Resale Value: Replacing the siding can significantly increase the resale value of your home. It makes your property more attractive to potential buyers, leading to a higher selling price and a quicker sale. Buyers appreciate move-in-ready homes with updated exteriors, making it a wise investment.

In summary, replacing the siding on a residential home offers benefits such as improved curb appeal, enhanced energy efficiency, increased protection, reduced maintenance requirements, and higher resale value. It’s a worthwhile investment that not only beautifies your home but also provides long-term advantages. Consider these things when choosing residential siding contractors to work on your home to find the best fit for your needs!

Seattle Siding

Our Policy of Standards and Expectations

  1. Customer-Centric Approach: A small business that prioritizes its customers’ needs and satisfaction is likely to build strong relationships and loyalty. Providing excellent customer service, actively listening to feedback, and going the extra mile to meet customer expectations are all valuable qualities.

  2. Quality Products and Services: Delivering high-quality products or services is crucial for any business. Consistently meeting or exceeding customer expectations with reliable and well-crafted offerings helps establish trust and credibility.

  3. Strong Work Ethic: Small business owners and their employees need to be dedicated and hardworking. A strong work ethic drives productivity, efficiency, and a commitment to delivering results.

  4. Adaptability and Innovation: Being adaptable and open to change is essential in today’s dynamic business environment. Small businesses that can quickly adjust strategies, adopt new technologies, and innovate to stay competitive are more likely to thrive.

  5. Integrity and Ethics: Operating with integrity, honesty, and ethical practices builds trust with customers, employees, and the community. Small businesses that prioritize ethical behavior tend to develop a positive reputation and long-term relationships.

  6. Effective Communication: Clear and open communication is vital in a small business setting. It ensures that information flows smoothly among team members, with customers, and with other stakeholders. Effective communication fosters collaboration, problem-solving, and customer satisfaction.

  7. Financial Responsibility: Managing finances responsibly is crucial for the long-term sustainability of a small business. This includes budgeting, tracking expenses, managing cash flow, and making informed financial decisions.

  8. Employee Engagement: Small businesses benefit from engaged and motivated employees. Encouraging a positive work environment, providing opportunities for growth and development, and recognizing and rewarding achievements can help foster employee loyalty and productivity.

  9. Community Involvement: Active participation in the local community demonstrates a small business’s commitment to its surroundings. Supporting local causes, engaging in community events, and being a responsible corporate citizen can enhance the business’s reputation and generate goodwill.

  10. Continuous Learning: Small businesses that prioritize ongoing learning and improvement stay ahead of industry trends and customer expectations. Embracing professional development, seeking feedback, and staying updated on relevant knowledge and skills contribute to long-term success.

Being a Seattle Siding Contractor

  1. Licensing and Permits: As a Seattle siding contractor, you must ensure compliance with local regulations and obtain the necessary licenses and permits required by the city. This involves understanding the specific licensing requirements for siding contractors in Seattle and fulfilling any prerequisites, such as passing exams or providing proof of insurance.

  2. Industry Knowledge and Experience: To excel as a Seattle siding contractor, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of different siding materials, installation techniques, and industry best practices. Staying updated on the latest trends and innovations in siding products and techniques is essential to provide high-quality services.

  3. Specialized Skills and Equipment: Being a Seattle siding contractor involves acquiring and honing specialized skills and knowledge related to siding installation, repair, and maintenance. This includes expertise in handling various siding materials, such as fiber cement, vinyl, or wood. Additionally, owning or having access to the necessary tools and equipment for siding projects is vital.

  4. Building Relationships and Networking: Building a strong network of clients, suppliers, and industry professionals is essential for a Seattle siding contractor’s success. Establishing a solid reputation through delivering exceptional services, maintaining positive customer relationships, and seeking referrals can help generate leads and secure future projects.

  5. Compliance with Safety Standards: As a Seattle siding contractor, prioritizing safety is paramount. Adhering to local and national safety regulations, ensuring proper training for employees, and implementing safe work practices are crucial to protect workers, clients, and the public.

  6. Business Management and Administration: Running a successful siding contracting business in Seattle involves effective management and administration skills. This includes aspects such as project estimation, budgeting, scheduling, procurement, and record-keeping. Attention to detail and organizational abilities are vital for smooth operations and customer satisfaction.